Emergency Berries

I've received a call from my customer for an extra Jam Label project. This time it was Blueberry Label. Thank Goodness I had photo reference for the berries. I just went outside and grabbed the blueberry bush leaves.. and to my absolute surprise: I've found that our blueberry bushes started blooming getting confused with warm weather.. Oh well, first, the apple tree surprised me, now blueberries. I guess it served me as an artist well though . And I hope the jam will be as sweet as my painted berries :0)
I was so pleased to see the photo from my customer, who is now utilizing the Jam Label Project and making a wonderful jam:

I hope my Blueberries Painting will build a Greater Pyramid. 

The original art work Blueberries is 8"x8" Watercolor

In Every Piece Of My Art There Is A Piece Of My Heart And A Sparkle Of My Soul

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