Tulips on Fire

One of the best and the most amazing things for the Artist is when he/she can share the art with other people. And it is always great when people admire your art, and when people want your art - is the most grateful moments. Although, for me personally it is hard sometimes to detach from my paintings. That's probably why I sell more prints than paintings ;)... Original paintings are like babies. But hey, children suppose to grow up and eventually they will make outside the nest. Today one of my favorite customers sent me an e-mail with the subject: " I have to have it!" She chose this painting of tulips. When I painted this one I really wanted to show the sun showing through the petals penetrating them through red making it pink. The game of three colors (red, pink, and yellow) reminded me of a fire. And I called this painting "Tulips on Fire". I am glad that now these tulips will sparkle in someones' house :) ................................................................................................................... 8"x10" Watercolor on 140lb Cold Press Arches