I am exploring different surfaces for watercolors. Just recently I have purchased Aquabord made by Ampersand in Austin, TX. I always wanted to try something new. This board is not made of paper; however, it allows watercolor to stick to the surface. Although it was hard to move the paint around and achieve the mixing effect with the smooth edges. The surface dries very quickly so if you want wet-on-wet you better put lots of water. Also, I have noticed that this board pretty much does not allow you to use layers. The color would better look if you mix it on a pallet and place it in one touch.
It was very interesting experience to paint on this board. All what I learned painting on paper was challenged.
The good part is that the board does not need to be framed and after using fixative you can basically place it on a wall or put on the shelf. I've placed it on the tabletop easel. This art work can make a good gift; and, even it can play as a unique Valentine's Card :) .......................................................................................................................

5"x5" Winsor & Newton Watercolor on Aquabord