Cold vs Hot

I was painting the same lovely model (Morning Rose) on two different quality papers. One rose is painted on Hot Pressed Arches and another on Cold. ............................................................................................................................. Question: Can you guess which is where?! ............................................................................................................................. It is quite a challenge to move the paint around the hot pressed paper when you used to the qualities of cold pressed one. The surface of Hot Pressed is so smooth that sometimes you think that paint does not stick to it ( especially when I tried to lift the color with sponge or paper towel to make the background wash look like the background). ............................................................................................................................. However, I enjoyed painting petals on both Cold and Hot. Both of them held the moisture quite long (though hot pressed has shorter time and needs wetting the painted area generously) ............................................................................................................................. Ok, here is the answer: when I was working on Hot Pressed paper, my hand went automatically picking up warmer colors for the rose ( I guess it was philological :).. Yes , yes, the top one is on Hot Pressed and the bottom rose is on Cold Pressed..