Best Christmas Story Contest
As an artist and illustrator I paint artworks that usually tell a story.
In the month of November I am running a contest for the Best Christmas Story that would apply to the above painting.
Three winners will be selected:
1st Prize
Quality Print of this Christmas painting 10"x8" on watercolor paper (signed by the artist, front and back)
2nd Prize
A dozen of cards from the Artist's collection that includes one hand-painted card.
3rd Prize
Half of a dozen greeting cards selected by the Artist.
Just e-mail me the story.
It doesn't have to be too long (a half of printed page or a page will do good). Look at the painting of this Christmas Scene, imagine, create your own Christmas story.
Please indicate if you want your name published when I place the story online between the 1st of December 1st and the 10th. The winner story will be next to the painting on my website; and, who knows maybe some day it will be in a book.
Live To Create!!
Cheers from Irina Sztukowski