Helsinki Finland Watercolor Painting - Travel Sketchbook

I’ve used to go to Finland at least 5-7 times a year and visited Helsinki if not 20 then probably close to 20 times back in 90s. The reason was that I have shared two jobs at a Travel Company. One of them was a Marketing Manager and another was a tour guide. And because Marketing duties did not allow me to leave the country for a long period of time, 2-3 days trips to Finland suited me well. It took only a few hours to get to Helsinki by bus from Saint Petersburg (not counting hours of standing at the customs and checking luggage and papers of relatively big group of tourists). When my job of bringing my group to the City Tour and accommodating them to the hotel was done, I loved to walk to the pier, visit farmers market or Museum of Modern Art. And I came many times to the beautiful square and listened to music at this Lutheran Cathedral. I loved going to Helsinki, even it was intense work. I still found time for myself while my tourist were running around the city and shopping. Finland those days seemed to me cleaner and calmer than busy 6 million-people Saint Petersburg
In Every Piece Of My Art
There Is A Piece Of My Heart And A Sparkle Of My Soul
Around The World Travel Gallery became very popular in the last year, I've sold many artworks with famous places and I am glad that my followers and art appreciators are adding my art to their home collections.
Grand thanks to the International Art Collector from Uppsala, Sweden, for purchasing this artwork:
Read more in the article HERE
Many thanks to the Art Collector from BRYN MAWR, PA for purchasing print of this artwork:
Read more in the article HERE
Read more in the article HERE
Grand thanks to the Art Collector from Stewartsville, NJ for purchasing a print with this artwork:
Read more in the article HERE
My appreciation goes to the Art Collector from Richmond, VA for purchasing a nice canvas print with this Monet House in Giverny France watercolor:
Read more in the article HERE
Many many thanks to the Art Collector from Midland, GA for purchasing print with this artwork:
To read the article about this painting go HERE
As an artist I present more than five thousand paintings in different galleries on my website.
And as a watercolor artist illustrator I have an extensive and I can now say quite impressive Artist Portfolio HERE
Live To Create!!!