Black & White Watercolor

My client asked to make a painting from black and white photo of her grand kids. The painting was a surprise gift for her daughter. When I looked at the photo reference I thought the lighting was quite unusual. Girls face is lit up from the bottom left corner, which makes the portrait being different from a standard setting. The composition of the photo has rotating dynamics. But I gave it a try and painted first 5"x7" small sketch and next 8"x10" painting. In the step by step photos you can see that I've started with the background (wen-on-wet technique) and then moved to the faces. The girl's face was a challenge, so I did it first. As the fist small painting that I made supposed to be a sketch I've inserted a flower with the color center in the girls hair by playing with the process and complementing the black and white approach of the rest of the painting.
The client loved them and purchased both watercolor paintings. And her daughter was more than pleased to receive such an exclusive gift. My last observation is that when people give a painting gift to their loved ones it goes beyond what some expected merchandise can do; and, by bringing a giver an extreme satisfaction it also makes a person on the receiving end so happy, surprised and delighted (even the painting is Black&White ;)
5"x7" and 8"x10" Payne's Gray Colour from Winsor & Newton on 140 lb Cold Pressed Paper
In Every Piece Of My Art
There Is A Piece Of My Heart And A Sparkle Of My Soul