Bernard Goes To Music School - Book Is Now Published

The illustration that became a part of the cover page contains the scene from the music lesson.
A little boy is eagerly listening his teacher Tania playing a new song.
As an artist I wanted to include flowers and musical notes in the composition as if a song, who knows, can be a Walz Of The Flowers (by Piotr Tchaikovsky). The bond between the teacher and the pupil is also developed through the music and the composition choice: I placed the teacher looking at the boy and the boy is facing the teacher.
The color choices are Spring like: soft pink, grass green, and fresh mellow yellow. The whole painting is breathing music and a new season.
This new book is now published.
It is available on Amazon HERE
(or, just type Irina Sztukowski into Amazon search window)
- ISBN-10: 1523864753
- ISBN-13: 9781523864751