Norway Fjord
(Click HERE for detailed image)
One of my dear art collectors sent me a photo of the beautiful
Fjord from her trip to Norway.
Fjord, from the norse
"fjƶrưr", in English means "where you travel across". Also,
it has the same origin as the norwegian word "ferd", English
"fare" or "travel". (Source: Created my moving glaciers more
than 2.5 million years ago, Fjords are some
of the most dramatic landscape features on Earth. Just imaging how the glacier
was "slicing" the mountains, moving the rocks aside: and, how later
on the sea found its way there.
When I was
painting this piece I admired the monumental silence of the
mountains, calm water and a crisp air. And I hope I could bring my admiration into
my art.
Watercolor on 300lb Cold Pressed Arches
In Every Piece Of My Art
There Is A Piece Of My Heart And A Sparkle Of My Soul