Classroom - Watercolor Collage
I gave this collage quite a long name: “When Heart is in
Watercolors Bright Ideas Will Come”. Long but so simple and so self-explanatory.
This collage was born in my Art 106 Drawing & Composition class that I am
taking this semester. The assignment was to show a class room using one-point
perspective and based on our real facility. We could also add either personal
meaning or pursue some theme. Materials are glue, paper, magazine cut-outs or
whatever we could find and apply.
My idea did not wait too long to be born. And as I used to
have a watercolor class in the same room, and I am now a proudly devoted
watercolor artist, I have decided to organize my “Classroom” placing my
watercolor art on the walls and making all students look like me. Basically, it
is me in the different stages of the art process. And yes, when I create I have
that “light” glowing in my mind. Yet when I am tired (you see the girl at the
far left desk?) the ideas are “turned off”. I cut my art for walls, the still
life, and the little hearts from my old postcards and calendars. And the Blick
art supply magazine helped me to make the space look more like a classroom or studio.
The lights for the lightbolbs came from Michael’s cute cards supply shelves.
While cutting the postcards with my watercolor, I had
another bright idea. There are a lot of sketch-like, palette pieces, and drafts
watercolor around my studio. I could definitely use them one day to create some
decorative art pieces and give them a new life.
Studying about collages in my art history class last
semester I’ve learned that collage art was basically initiated by Picasso and
his artist friend…. They looked for a different materials for their art and
started combining their found objects on one flat space, would it be a piece of
cardboard or wood. Collage in its Nature is brining various materials in one
organized space and giving them sometimes totally new meaning… Courtesy to WiKi
The term collage derives from the French "coller"
meaning "glue". This term was coined by both Georges
Braque and Pablo Picasso in the beginning of the 20th century
when collage became a distinctive part of modern art.
24"x18" collage
More Collages and cool Abstracts are HERE
In Every Piece Of My Art
There Is A Piece Of My Heart And A Sparkle Of My Soul