Karnak Temple, Luxor, Egypt - Travel With Me - Sketchbook Project

I went to Egypt with my son and my mom back in 1998. My son was only 9 years old and when we went to visit Karnak Temple and all adults were ah-&-oh looking at this thousands-years old wonder, my son decided to play Peek-a-boo with his Grandma. I found it funny how kids don't really care about the history, they always find something to have fun with. My mom on another hand was so excited that she, the engineer with 20 years career behind her shoulders, wrote a long poem about that day. I found gorgeous panorama where you can feel your are right there and feel yourself so small and young compare to the history. Here it is, courtesy of http://www.panoramas.dk/fullscreen7/f22-karnak-egypt.html
And here are some interesting facts about Karnak Temple:
The major difference between the Karnak Temple and many of the other sites in Egypt is how long the temple took to develop, as well as how long it was used. The construction of the temple started during the 16th century B.C. About 30 pharaohs gave a contribution to the buildings, which enabled it to reach a diversity, complexity, and size that isn’t seen anywhere else in the world. There aren’t many unique individual features of Karnak, but the number and size of the features is amazing.( from (http://famouswonders.com))
4"x6" Watercolor Sketch on 90lb Cold Pressed Paper