Amsterdam Holland - Sketchbook Project

If I ever go to Holland I plan to start with its Capital, Amsterdam. Being built in early 13th century by 17th century this city became a center of world economy. The rise of merchandise, political stability, and economical success gave opportunity to a lot of artist to thrive and polish their skills. The Dutch paintings, specifically Dutch Still Life, a my favorite of that time of the world history of art. I am hoping to visit as many museums as I can to see the original still lives by many favorite artists (just name a few: Jan Brueghel the Elder , Osias Beert,Osias Beert, Clara Peeters, Jan Davidsz de Heem).
The sketch is showing one of the historical places of Amsterdam, the church of Sint-Nicolaaskerk
In Every Piece Of My Art
There Is A Piece Of My Heart And A Sparkle Of My Soul
Around The World Travel Gallery became very popular in the last year, I've sold many artworks with famous places and I am glad that my followers and art appreciators are adding my art to their home collections.
Grand thanks to the International Art Collector from Uppsala, Sweden, for purchasing this artwork:
Read more in the article HERE
Many thanks to the Art Collector from BRYN MAWR, PA for purchasing print of this artwork:
Read more in the article HERE
Read more in the article HERE
Grand thanks to the Art Collector from Stewartsville, NJ for purchasing a print with this artwork:
Read more in the article HERE
My appreciation goes to the Art Collector from Richmond, VA for purchasing a nice canvas print with this Monet House in Giverny France watercolor:
Read more in the article HERE
Many many thanks to the Art Collector from Midland, GA for purchasing print with this artwork:
To read the article about this painting go HERE
As an artist I present more than five thousand paintings in different galleries on my website.
And as a watercolor artist illustrator I have an extensive and I can now say quite impressive Artist Portfolio HERE
Live To Create!!!