Girl's Portrait Study Phase I

After the drawing I've started the painting by covering the main area of the portrait with Masking Fluid around the edges and the middle of the portrait with the cut out paper. I've started the painting with the wash of yellow and alizarin crimson slowly moving to a darker (ultramarine blue and violet) colors. The reason I've chosen these colors for the background is that the girl has rainbow-flowery dress and I thought it would be nice to include the colors of her dress into the background wash.
The composition that I've chosen is also very unusual for me. The girls portrait is moved to the far right when I left almost a half of the painting for a background. I've done it intentionally to emphasize the feeling of sun and wind and make the viewer wonder what is there? what this girl sees? I believe this composition gives more space for imagination.
In Every Piece Of My Art
There Is A Piece Of My Heart And A Sparkle Of My Soul