So Many Petals So Little Time

This small painting (5"x7") will be going to Spain to one of my clients home country. I started with masking the main (in focus) flower with the masking fluid and placing the back ground wash. I was pretty satisfied with the first wash (!!) until the paint was dry. They say truth when mention that you need to think 40% darker when placing the watercolor on paper. Sure enough I needed a second wash (see picture on the bottom) only after the second one I was completely satisfied with the volume of the back ground.
The picture on the top shows work in progress with petals. There are so many of them and each takes special attention in order to achieve a realistic effect.
I love this flower. It reminds me Spring and Summer together. Like a little sunshine it brings so much joy when looking at this cute family. I am hoping to finish the painting by the end of this weekend and will be placing the finished one shortly.