It's Pouring Towels & Cherries



After selling my favorite Cherries in the Bowl painting I got so obsessed with cherries last week that I started painting them again and again like crazy. Using the same reference photo, I've decided to imagine different positions of cherries and different surfaces (such kitchen towels patterns etc). When I was less experienced artist I thought the cherries is hardest berry to paint. It turned out that after painting your 100th cherry; you are becoming a pretty proficient in catching the highlights, color depth, and reflection of the surface.
Try it! It is so much fun :) Here is a little trick for the artists: for the highlights I've first used masking fluid, then dabbed with slightly wet Q-tip and when surface was dry I've grabbed the razor blade and scratched the area around the highlight to give a better berry-skin look to a cherry.................................................................................................................
These three cherry paintings are some of my Affordable Art collection that I've placed on I love the recent article of one of the artists that pointed out the importance and a beauty of the afford-ability of art.
4"x6" and 5"x7" Winsor & Newton Watercolor on 140 Cold Press Watercolor Paper