To have your blog on the computer is one thing, to have it in a printed format is totally another.
Today I was exploring this option playing with the
Blog2Print website. It was pretty exciting to see the book about the blog; some kind of art-diary. If you are interested in making a book out of your own blog; the web site is pretty easy to operate: you would just need to enter your blog's URL and decide what date (blog posts' date) you want to start your book with. There is also option to delete posts that you don't want to show. And the good part is that you don't need to buy it right away. But if you do here is the approximate pricing: Book about 30 page long will cost you $14 for soft cover and $30 for hard cover. The Standard shipping is free (in US) and if you ship upgraded charges it will be from $9.35 - 18.00 depending on what time you want it to arrive.
There is no limit for blogging :) !!!
More than a thousand artworks ranging from realism to a decorative abstract and detailed botanical painting by Irina Sztukowski are presented now on her website